The time of uncertainty (Capsule 4)

Why have we never found a chip in the body of mummies? During the previous capsules, we came to the conclusion that to achieve the tenth plague of Egypt, killing all the firstborn, the Lord in fact leader of a band of « alien » more known as Eloïm, had used implant technology. After all, if the…

The time of uncertainty (Capsule 2)

It is a plague that scientists have never been able to explain, except by kicking … Many exegeses of the Old Testament attempt to give a historical reality to the emblematic chapter of the Exodus, while removing the « magical » aspect of the story. This rationalistic exercise, entirely based on science and totally negating the role…

The Time of Uncertainty (Capsule 1)

But there is a strange paradox. All the planets have a name except the Earth which is literally an earth among the other earth of the solar system; all the satellites have a name except our Moon which is literally a moon among the other moons of the solar system … It is the same with our Sun which is a sun among millions of suns.